- 机械不完全燃烧 Mechanical Incomplete Combustion
- 不完全燃烧 Incomplete Combustion
- 完全燃烧 Complete Combustion
- 硅酸盐水泥 Portland Cement
- 矿渣水泥 Slag Cement
- 零压面 Neutral Margin
- 坯体的入窑温度 Inletting Body Temperature
- 进车间隔时间 Kiln Car Time Schedule
- 窑内断面温差 Difference of Temperature in Cross Section of Kiln
- 窑尾冷风 Cooling Gas in the Kiln Outlet
- 间接冷却 Indirect Cooling
- 直接冷却 Direct Cooling
- 棚板 Deck
- 气幕 Air Curtain
- 匣钵 Sagger