- 焙烧周期 Firing Cycle
- 干燥周期 Drying Cycle
- 窑炉的余热利用 Waste Heat Utilization of Kiln
- 实物煤耗 Raw Coal Consumption
- 标准煤耗 Standard Coal Consumption
- 标准煤 Standard Coal
- 单位热耗 Unit Heat Consumption
- 形成热 Heat of Formation
- 理论烟气量 Amount of Theoretical Burned Gas; Amount of Theoretical Flue Gas
- 理论空气量 Amount of Theoretical Air for Combustion
- 实际空气量 Amount of Actual Air for Combustion
- 物料平衡 Material Balance
- 雾化介质 Atomizing Medium
- 雾化 Atomization
- 化学不完全燃烧 Chemical Incomplete Combustion